The Jamil Echoes Blog

"The writer is an explorer. Every step is an advanced into a new land." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Category: Life.

Stepping With Intention


Today I came to a deeper understanding of intention.

I arouse out of my bed and thought about what I wanted my vision to be for this day.

And to be honest It was a lot of negative blame and unconscious energy that came through me. I sat down and simply changed my energy with the intention of peace.

Peace within my being, peaceful energy and a peaceful day. I meditated  on being peacefully fluent. You see the power of intention shapes your life, shapes your every moment and brings fourth your deepest desires.



Close your eyes and take a deep breath

listen to your rhythm of breath , listen to your thoughts, the noise and chaos that is inside your mind.

Simply let go of the day and just be, be with your breath now.

In this moment now I am aware of my thoughts, my emotions.

I understand there is a power that resides behind my mind, emotions that will guide me in all that I do.

“Today I choose to be still, and surrender.”

Allowing The good!


Many times in our lives we face adversity and struggle as a means climbing up the mountain attempting to reach the mountain top. I find that a lot of individuals do not allow the good to come into their lives. I believe the universe is full of love and joy which everyone of us can experience if we allow it. So when you start complaining about your life or the events taking place in your life…Close your eyes and breathe, And just be with the current of life, everything passes in time. Know that the good is already within you. Just Breathe and allow.


Undying passion for life.


Undying passion for life is when you can marvel the world while appreciating its balance both negative and positive qualities. It means breathing deeply into your being because you know today could be your last. Furthermore It means trying new foods , celebrating new people and enjoying other cultures because you know somehow ,someway we are all inner connected.

Undying passion for your life means paving your own path while rejoicing in every step that you take.

Undying passion for life means you understand you are here to love, learn,experience, and dance your life away.

Today I am willing to let go of anger!


This afternoon I thought about the anger that I hold in my body and the people I choose to be angry with. Was this because I wanted to be angry or is it because I am hurt? As the the reasoning behind my anger come into my concouis mind, It dawned on me!I no longer have to be angry for any reason, Yes I can be aware of what took place and why I feel the way I do. However there is no need to have the negativity .

I am learning that when you are growing there comes a point where you have to be willing to let go of the anger. This includes anything that is keeping you back internally and externally. Today I felt a power of gentleness and love touch me with the releasing my anger.

For years I have been carrying around my inner anger and holding onto it like a precious child that I never wanted to put down, Anyone who tried to take my infant away I was willing to discard them as a person even if they have my best interest at heart.

You see when we use anger as our clutch to behave also treat ourselves poorly we only have that in our lives. If you are willing to let of anger, you are willing to love and be loved.

Let Go and Let Life.

Let go and let life.


I am learning the importance to let go and let life take you along your path. Often times we hold onto fear and worry and even doubt at times because we are afraid to venture out into the unknown. When you are authentic you realize that you are the only example of your true self, this can be a bit scary because this requires us to not only dig deep but understand our personal connection to the universe.

I have found that the deeper the connection, the deeper the understanding and guidance on your path. It;s okay to not know the answers, sometimes the most powerful thought can be the question. If you cannot find the right question to ask, just take the next step and know the universe will support you every step of the way.

A Life Of Giving

A life of Giving.

A life of giving is one of the most fulfilling things we can do in this lifetime. When we give we give apart of our souls to someone else. Weather if it’s money,food, gifts, time, energy, conversation, affection and so on, It all comes from a still loving place that resides in our hearts. The universe is not asking you to give 5 million dollars but it is asking you to give away (freely) Without attachment. It is challenging to execute this spiritual idea in an egoistic society that we live in.

I find that giving teaches us the importance of oneness that we share, Also It nurtures our soul. I believe that we are created to give because the universe is so giving. When The universe gives to us it is not thinking about what it is going to loose, how it will make it up sometime in the future.

Give all you can, I promise you it will come back to you…It may not come back as soon as you give it, But you will always get it back in your heart.

Achievers are consistent

Achievers are consistent


Many of us have goals and dreams we want to achieve. And I personally know that one can achieve anything they want, If you are willing to do the work that is required also staying consistent.

Often times we take the first step and celebrate taking that step ; ultimately staying there. Becoming stagnant is not being an achiever. It is more than okay to celebrate the baby steps along the way, but always take the next step with consistency is the key.

When you know what it is you want, and you are clear about how you will get there. That is when the universe opens the doors of opportunity.

We all have demanding lives, deadlines, responsibility that can create stress in our lives. The stress that is manifested tends to show up in other aspects of lives. In this moment breathe, stress happens to the best of us. It is imperative you take time out for yourself everyday, So that you can incorporate “DE-STRESSERS” in your everyday life.


Here are 5 different ways you can decrease the stress in your life!









  • Sleep : Your body needs plenty of rest, If you do not rest your body becomes stressed and can not perform simple daily activities Let alone challenging ones. Your energy is down which weakens the immune system.
  • Yoga/Meditate : Yoga and Meditation helps with restoring your body’s cells. It helps bring balance and light into your being. This is important to do 2-3 times a week to work through the stress and tension that is in your body.
  • Journal : Journaling helps you acknowledge your stress also it helps you mentally overcome the stress with a logical approach.
  • Body massage ; If your on a budget don’t worry you can get amazing deals on groupon or living social for a fabulous massage, Usually there is a 2 for 1 special! Treat yourself to wonderful pampering session, you deserve it.
  • Aroma Therapy: So If your schedule is busy and you have no time for a body massage, Burn a oil based candle, that opens your senses; bringing back joyous moments in your life that you can reflect on in this now moment.

Live the life you are meant to live.


Good day all,


Every single one of us is gifted in some shape way or form, It is imperative to not only know what your natural talents and gifts are, It is just as important to not compare your gifts negatively  with others. Many times we will not take the next step with our life because we are too focused on what our friend is doing, or our family members , someone else’s success we do not have our own life. This is to say there is no need to live vicariously through anyone; I have found that truly living and experiencing is not in the lens of some else way of being. The moment we can focus on what we are gifted with we then have a platform to express ourselves how we personally see fit.


It has been my personal experience that when you re discover your gifts and you truly live it everyday, You find that it requires nurture. Your Gift needs practice everyday. The same way you practice spirituality this is no different. Your gift is deeply connected to the creator which requires you to expansion, When your living in alignment with your calling your gift and the spiritual work are inseparable.

How Do I know what my gifts are? I have no Idea? I would say that it is up to you to fully become your highest authentic self. Your life depends on it, You were created to simply be this person. Take some time with yourself, Build a relationship with yourself. Discover what your strengths and weakness are. Then discover what brings you more joy when you do it? What makes your heart smile and completely opens your soul up. Usually it is something you are naturally trained in, If your not do not stress. Take time to master, study it. If you are willing to make mistakes, learn and re program your mind and learn to lean on the spirit who is to say you can’t? only you can speak that into existence and believe it.